Why I Hired Someone Who Showed Up Uninvited | BNET

Why I Hired Someone Who Showed Up Uninvited | BNET.

Here is a perfect example where passion, desire, and creativity wins over the perfect resume, the perfect interview, the perfect candidates..

Do I advocate doing what this guy did, not exactly…but I do advocate standing up and showing the cojones to go after something that you want and have a passion for…..that could be a job, a potential husband or wife, a hobby….anything !!!!  Don’t temper your passion ….embrace it, show it, and USE it to your advantage…..Passion is contagious….

Be Good !


2 thoughts on “Why I Hired Someone Who Showed Up Uninvited | BNET

    1. Scott it was my pleasure….thanks for reading and checking out the blog…I do appreciate that and all the comments…..

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